7 Creative Responses to WSP (With Examples)

“WSP” is a shortened version of “What’s up?” which is used to inquire another person what is happening in their life. It’s a good way to start a conversation with someone.

But do you know how to respond to this engagingly and effectively? Fear not this guide will help you to understand everything easily.

Responses To WSP

  • Just taking it easy.
  • Just hanging in there. How about you?
  • Is anything exciting on your end?
  • Working on something?
  • Making progress on [project name]. How can I help today?
  • Actually, I just hit a snag with [briefly describe the issue] Any ideas?

Just taking it easy.

It shows you are not heavily engaged in any particular activity at the moment. It’s a way to tell others that you are only relaxing this time.

It’s a casual way to tell others that ups and downs are a part of life you just have to take it easy.

Just hanging in there. How about you?

It shows you are not particularly enjoying something and you are facing some challenges and difficulties in your life but you are trying to manage all things.

It also shows empathy by inviting another person to share their own experiences. It’s opening the doors for more personal conversation.

Is anything exciting on your end?

When nothing is exciting happening in your life then you can use this. It shows that there is nothing so much special in your life.

It encourages another person to share something positive or noteworthy that is happening in their life.

Working on something?

When you are currently engaged in a task or project you can use this. It’s a neutral response that shows you don’t want to tell what you are doing, you want to keep all things secret.

You can use this professional and formal communication.

Making progress on [project name]. How can I help today?

It shows you are actively making progress on a particular project or task.

You can use any specific project name for a more accurate conversation.

Actually, I just hit a snag with [briefly describe the issue] Any ideas?

When you face any challenge or setbacks in your current task you can use this. It also shows that you have a collaborative nature and you are seeking help to find the perfect solution.

wsp in texting example

Real Life Examples Of WSP

Casual Conversation with a Friend

  • Friend: Hey, WSP?
  • Response: Not much, just finished watching a movie. How about you?

Workplace Interaction

  • Colleague: Morning! WSP?
  • Response: Just prepping for the meeting later. You?

Texting with a Family Member

  • Family Member: Hey, WSP?
  • Response: Just got back from the gym. How’s your day going?

Starting a Phone Call with a Close Friend

  • Friend: Ring ring! WSP?
  • Response: Not too busy, just catching up on some reading. What’s new with you?

Chatting with a Classmate before a Lecture

  • Classmate: Hey, WSP before class starts?
  • Response: Reviewing some notes from the last lecture. How about you?

Checking in with a Neighbor

  • Neighbor: Hey there, WSP?
  • Response: Just finished gardening. Is anything exciting happening around here?


Mastering ‘WSP’ responses is your key to unlocking smooth communication and building connections online and off! So next time you see that ‘WSP,’ pick the perfect reply and watch the conversation flow.

Using these awesome responses to “WSP” you can demonstrate your interest, share information, and more importantly you can strengthen your connection with others.

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